Friday, September 30, 2011

Chasing the Shadow

Chasing the shadow.  When I ride to work in the mornings (when I don't meet someone predawn for breakfast) I'm heading west and the sun is at my back.  These creates a loooooong shadow that I am chasing.  Since I used to travel the same route in my car, I'm sure that it was a phenomenon that I was just oblivious to.  Now that I'm on the motorcycle, it jumps out at me.  It's my favorite part of the day.  When I'm chasing the shadow, the world and its worries melt away.  When I'm chasing the shadow, everything becomes more clear.  In those moments I'm more aware of my insignificance and more aware of the presence of Him.  It's a shame that life can't have more of those moments.  Their always there.  The shadow exists.  We just have to get out of cars, away from our cell phones, and turn the radio off to notice.

I read everyday.  I love to read and I think about writing.  What I need to do is ride, read, and write everyday. So here's my commitment:  For the month of October I'm going to make sure I ride a little, read a little, and write a little each day.  I find all these things make my life richer and fuller and drive me to be a better person.  So... That means that I will post at least once everyday for the month of October.  I will read a little each day.  And finally I will ride a little each day.  Some days (like today since I had to take the care in for a new tire) that means I will need to jump on my bicycle (I ride a Schwin at least 4 times a week with my pups).  I don't want to miss the shadow.