Thursday, August 26, 2010


Challenge #2:
OK, so here's the deal. Last Friday I meet the wife and kiddo's at the local Big Blue W for a final pickup of a few items for back to school. A terrible storm comes up, so I put on my Frog Togs and head for home. It went pretty well until I got about 5 miles from home when it began to dump. It was raining so hard I could only see about 100 feet ahead. I heard thunder but nothing close. I slow down to turn into my development and, BAM. I'm hit by lightening. Not a direct hit, but certainly a scary jolt. Suddenly my whole body is on fire and it feels like I'm getting zapped by an electric fence all over. You know the look when you spread a blanket in the winter in the dark and the sparks fly? We'll that's what my whole body looked like times 1,000 and it was broad daylight! I could hear the charge disperse through the overhead powerlines as the sensation subsided. When I told my family, my son got real excited hoping I had achieved some sort of super powers. But alas, no. Other than my left hand and right foot tingling like they were asleep for the next day, I seem to have gained nothing but a new respect for lightning. Guess I'd better go buy a lottery ticket.

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